Memorial Day Weekend Freedom Flight – May 22, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend Freedom Flight – May 22, 2009
Sarasota, Florida to Cincinnati, Ohio via Pilots N Paws Program – A Tail of 3 Lucky Greyhounds – Their First Flight!
Sarasota Airport – Right before takeoff. Lots of happy faces here! Janine and Mike, the pilots are in the middle.
Fiona, Archie and Jazzi waiting patiently and probably trying to figure what the heck is going on. Things were looking a bit different from their racing kennel at Naples. I think they are suspicious that something funny is up!
Fiona at the Sarasota Airport watching out the window from the plane right before take off – Wonder what she is thinking? I am guessing not about IDs and luggage as she is traveling very light.
They sure have a lot of soft bedding in here – sigh…..
Whew! We made it back to the ground.
Here is Fiona at Lunken Airport in Cincinnati checking things out.
Mike, the pilot, unloading Jazzi.
Channel 5 News was also there to welcome these pups!
Mike carrying Jazzi from the plane
I can walk really, but it is nice to be carried after an exhausting trip….now for a nap….maybe food first?
Lunken Airport, Cincinnati, Ohio – Final Destination for these lucky Florida Greyhounds!